About us

We work on behalf of Community Pharmacy Surrey and Community Pharmacy Sussex to represent, support and develop just under 500 NHS community pharmacy contractors.


In 2018 the, then three, LPCs in Surrey and Sussex combined forces to set up a central administration and operations function to help support contractors more effectively and better meet the expectations of external NHS stakeholders and other local organisations.

Our constituent LPCs remain the legal entities but the new overarching team uses the trading name ‘Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex’ and all communications and business is delivered through our central office.

Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex is a mechanism to allow more effective collaboration between LPCs, pool resources and share costs as well as implementing initiatives of shared interest in common areas. It is governed by the CPSS Executive Committee, which comprises of the Chair and Vice-Chair from each LPC and the Treasurer from Sussex LPC.  Here’s our organisational chart.

A collaboration agreement was drawn up between the two LPCs to ensure that each committee did not lose its status or powers (as set out in their constitutions and in the NHS Act). The collaboration agreement gives delegated authority to the CPSS Executive Committee from the two LPCs to monitor the operational effectiveness of Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex, including holding the Chief Executive Officer to account for the organisations performance.

Lead by the Chief Executive Officer, Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex daily work is managed by an executive staff team.

Click on a heading below for more information. 

Staff team

    • Julia Powell, Chief Executive Officer. Connect @CPSS_LPCs | Twitter
    • Marie Hockley, Deputy Chief Officer
    • Simran Johal, Service Development & Support Lead
    • Eve Rockell, Community Pharmacy Services Coordinator
    • Fatima Iqbal, Community Pharmacy Services Coordinator
    • Micky Cassar, Business Administrator

Are you on Twitter? Look out for us @CPSS_LPCs

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Governance & Oversight

The work of Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex is overseen by the CPSS Executive Committee, which comprises of the Chair and Vice-Chair from each LPC and the Treasurer from Sussex LPC. They have delegated authority from the two LPCs (described in a collaboration agreement), to monitor the operational effectiveness of Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex, including holding the Chief Executive Officer to account for the organisations performance.

Strategic and operating plans

Our business as usual operation plan and budget for 2024-25 is available below.

Policies and procedures

    • Surrey & Sussex LPCs collaboration agreement view here.
    • Scheme of delegation, CPSS Executive Committee view here.
    • CPSS Expense Policy view here.
    • Privacy Policy view here.
    • Health and Safety Policy view here.
    • Minute Taking Policy view here.
    • How to feedback or complain.
    • For copies of our employment procedures, whistle-blowing and other general internal policies, please contact us by email at: LPC@communitypharmacyss.co.uk.


Every week we aim to distribute a news-round-up to NHS community pharmacy contractors and pharmacy teams in Surrey & Sussex with information about what’s happening in politics, education and training for community pharmacy staff across Surrey and Sussex and share all the exciting innovations that are happening to transform our sector.

Pharmacy is changing

We send LPC communications and newsletters to contractors NHS Mail addresses. We can send to personal email accounts too, but you must tell us if you want us to do this by registering your details with us. Sign up here and urge everyone else in your pharmacy team to sign up too.

See our news pages.

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