Feedback or to raise an issue
Sometimes things can go wrong, or we fail to meet someone’s expectations of us. If you are unhappy with the service(s) or support provided by us or your LPC, it is important to let us know so we can improve.
There are two ways to tell us what you think:
- Feedback
- Make a complaint
Giving feedback
Feedback helps us improve the quality of our work.
You can give good or bad feedback by telling us about it. For example, you can speak to one of our staff team, or email us at
If you are unhappy with us or your LPC, it is worthwhile discussing your concerns early on, we may be able to sort the issue out quickly. Most problems can be dealt with at this stage.
Make a complaint
You can make a complaint about us if you’re not happy or have concerns about:
- decisions made by Sussex LPC or Surrey LPC and the work of Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex on behalf of these LPCs.
- the advice you’ve been given.
- how you’ve been treated.
- because you’ve had difficulty getting in contact.
You may wish to refer to your LPCs constitution to help you decide to make a complaint, or not.
Sussex LPC constitution | Surrey LPC constitution
How to complain
If you want to complain about us and/or your LPC, you should contact us and say you want to complain. You can complain in different ways:
- You can contact us and say you want to complain
Telephone: 01372 417726.
Email: Please put Complaint in the subject line.
- You can contact the LPC member who represents you on the LPC (this is most likely to be CCA, IPA or Independent member depending on your sector of community pharmacy). Committee member names are published on our page called Two LPCs in Surrey and Sussex under the heading for each LPC.
- You can contact the Chair of your LPC or Governance Lead on your committee, as appropriate. Their names are published on our page called Two LPCs in Surrey and Sussex under the heading for each LPC.
We will:
- Do our best to acknowledge receipt of every complaint by e-mail within 24 working hours of it being received by us. Note that complaints received on a Friday, over a weekend or on a Bank Holiday may not be acknowledged until the next working day.
- Identify a time frame that is both short and achievable for us to provide a more substantive response to your problem. We expect to be able to provide a response to most complaints within 28 calendar days of receipt.
Solving the problem informally
Our Chief Executive Officer, and/or appropriate LPC Chair or Governance Lead will probably offer to talk through your problem informally instead of starting a formal complaint process.
Talking through your problem might be quicker.
If you don’t want to talk informally or it doesn’t help, we will deal with your problem as a formal complaint.
More information
- About us.
- Contact us at