Webinars to introduce changes to the foundation training programme and the recruitment of trainee pharmacists for 2025/26.

For the 2025/26 foundation training programme, all training sites will be required to recruit their trainee pharmacist(s) via the National Recruitment Scheme. This is managed using the UK wide online portal called Oriel. We are contacting you now because the national recruitment cycle for trainee pharmacists starting their foundation training in 2025 begins in January 2024 and closes in March 2024. 


The 2025/26 foundation training programme will see also the introduction of the requirement that all training sites must be able to provide access to a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) and a prescribing learning environment. More information about these changes is available here.

To support you in preparation for 2025/26 foundation training, the NHS England WT&E South East pharmacy team are hosting three online webinars in November 2023 to discuss what this means for you as employers.  The focus of these webinars will be on the recruitment of trainees via the Oriel National Recruitment Scheme.  These webinars will be followed up by support sessions throughout January and February 2024, when the window for employers to enter their programme into Oriel is open. 


Whilst the webinars will be predominantly aimed at the community pharmacy sector, we will welcome employers from all sectors to join us.  


The dates of the initial online webinars and links to register are below:  


Wednesday 1st November 7.30pm – 8.30pm.

Monday 13th November 12.30pm – 1.30pm.  

Thursday 23rd November 7.30pm – 8.30pm.  


For those unable to attend, a recording of the content presented at the webinars will be made available, accompanied by a FAQ document. Please note, the same content will be presented at all three webinars. We look forward to seeing you there.