Locally Commissioned Services Surrey Pharmacies
Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Integrated Care Systems and NHS England’s local teams. In Surrey and Sussex, most commissioned services are public health services, commissioned by the public health team at the county councils and unitary authority.
The LPCs represent local contractors in negotiations for locally commissioned services and have developed this Service evaluation tool for locally commissioned services to help scrutinise each proposal / service specification.
At the end of this scrutiny process a summary is shared with contractors who have expressed an interest in providing the service to highlight the key points for their attention and consideration. This helps contractors make an informed decision to provide a locally commissioned service, or not.
Surrey Pharmacies
Surrey County Council
- NHS Healthcheck
- Service Spec
- Emergency Hormonal Contraception (via PGD Levonorgestrel and Ulipristal Acetate)
- EHC Service Spec
- Chlamydia screening and treatment (via PGD)
- Service Spec
- Chlamydia PGD- Doxycycline and Azithromycin
- To view the Surrey Sexual Health Webinar (10/03/22) click here.
- Pilot service: Condom Distribution MOU
- Needle Exchange Programme
- Service Spec
- Supervised Consumption
- Service Spec
- Take Home Naloxone
- Service Spec
Surrey Heartlands ICB
Service spec
Supply of vancomycin and fidaxomicin for the urgent treatment of Clostridioides difficile by community pharmacy providers within
- Commissioned by NHS Surrey Heartlands: Service spec
- Commissioned by Surrey Heartlands ICB
- Final ODADPC Service Specification updated 27.03.24
- Certain pharmacies Commissioned by Surrey Heartlands ICB
- FINAL – LCS Spec -urea breath tests -H.pylori provided by LPC contractors 30.09.22
- Enhanced service directed by NHS
- Surrey public health agreement service specifications
- Surrey Essential Guide to Services – Updated Mar 2024.
- Surrey Pharmacy Service Checklist – Updated Feb 2024.
Frimley ICB
- Commissioned by NHS Frimley ICB
- Schedule 2 Specifications Pharmacy Final Pall spec