Are you a current PCN Lead or thinking about taking on the role?

Across Surrey and Sussex there are currently 18 PCN Lead vacancies (all details can be found here) If these vacancies are not filled it will mean that no pharmacy in these PCN areas will be able to claim for the PCN Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) payments in February 2021 (worth over £2.5m in pharmacies in Surrey & Sussex).

Have you considered taking on the role? It will be important in shaping engagement between NHS community pharmacies in your PCN and will provide a single channel of engagement with the PCN, building collaborative working relationships with other pharmacies and the clinical director of the PCN. There are some specific responsibilities in the 2020-21 PQS, for which your pharmacy would receive funding to support you undertake this work (approx. £2,600).

The first step you need to take should you wish to be considered for the role is to complete Expression Of Interest form and circulate to all other pharmacies in your PCN area advising that you would like to be considered for the role and asking for support or objections (this is easiest to do with a deadline outlined e.g give 5 working days to respond). Should you not hear any objections back then please notify us and we will update our records. It might be that you want to organise a short online meeting with other pharmacies in the area to confirm your appointment and we can support setting this up – also see a suggested agenda.

If you are interested in discussing the role further or have any questions about the Lead PCN role please contact us, on We are also hosting a webinar for existing PCN Leads and also anyone thinking of taking on the role. The next webinar is scheduled for the 3rd of November at 19:30 (and will last no more than an hour) click here for further details. Should you with to take part please email for log in details.

This is an online event aimed at providing general information about the role and what it might entail in 2020 and 2021, especially for this year’s Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS).

 3rd November at 7:30pm

Our chief executive will give a presentation about PCNs focusing on:

  • The roles, responsibilities, and principles of being a Pharmacy PCN Lead
  • An overview of the two PQS PCN domains for 2020/21 and the scope of the role – what it practically means for you
  • Engagement with PCN Clinical Directors on PQS and other topics, including sharing of best practice and feedback from other leads
  • Contractor meetings and suggested agendas and discussion points
  • Formulating PCN flu plans and business continuity plans
  • The support the LPC will provide along with available via PSNC and other bodies

To attend this online session using Zoom, please email and we will send you the link

More information