On Demand: CPSS Pharmacy Premises Shared NHSMail Box Webinar

As from 1st October 2018 NHS England are only sending information to community pharmacies to arrive in the Pharmacy Premises (Shared) NHS Mail account.  

All community pharmacies across Surrey and Sussex MUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE using their Pharmacy’s Shared NHS Mail account (The big long one with your F-Code/ODS Code in it) AND CHECKING IT DAILY.

Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex have produced a webinar to support our pharmacies with this which you can view on demand by clicking here:    Your Pharmacy Premises Shared NHS Mail box WEBINAR – How to get essential information into your pharmacy every day


This is what a Premises (or ‘shared NHS Mail account’) looks like (your FCODE is the same thing as your ODS Code):  nhspharmacy.yourtown.yourpharmacyFCODE@nhs.net

  • IF YOU ARE NOT ACCESSING this Premises (or ‘shared NHS Mail account’) YOU WILL MISS VITAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM NHS ENGLANDthat are essential for you to keep up with what you must do to comply with your pharmacy contractual requirements. For example, information on Quality Payments, CPAF contract monitoring, Mandatory Campaigns, Rota Payment, Information about the Advanced Services such as Flu Vaccination.
  • The long ‘Shared NHS Mail account’ does not have its own password. You get into it via personal NHSMail accounts that are linked to it.

Typically, a pharmacy may have 3 linked personal NHS Mail accounts that staff will use to access depending who is on duty.  If your pharmacy has good reason for needing more than three individual NHSmail accounts to link to the shared NHSmail mailbox, the local NHS England team will be able to authorise more than three accounts to access the shared mailbox, but they will only do this where this is requested with a valid reason.  Contact  england.southeastcommunitypharmacy@nhs.net

Where to go for help?

Some pharmacies/multiples will arrange for this to be done centrally, please check with your company managers/head office to find out the company procedure for your pharmacy.

Then for other pharmacies:

Please remember, your ‘go to’ point if you are stuck is pharmacyadmin@nhs.net

 More information on our website here.