Please take part in the 2024 Pressures Survey

Community Pharmacy England’s third annual Pressures Survey is underway, and your contribution is crucial. Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex hopes that local pharmacy business owners and staff members across the region will be able to take part, and we’re keen for even more voices from across the sector to be heard.

The survey allows you to share your experiences on pressing issues such as medicines supply issues, workforce concerns, workload, stress levels, patient demand, and other impacts on your pharmacy. Every contribution is important in building up the strongest possible picture of the challenges you are facing.

The more responses submitted, the better that Community Pharmacy England can measure the pressure the whole sector is under for use in negotiations, conversations with MPs, and the national media. Your responses will help push the Government and NHS to improve the situation.

The survey is expected to take just 10-15 minutes of your time, and is open until 23.59 on Tuesday 2nd April.

How to Participate

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to respond via one of the two options below:

To see the questions before completing the survey or for more information, please see Community Pharmacy England’s news story.

The team at Community Pharmacy England has asked us to pass on their thanks for your continued support in completing these surveys, particularly at this very busy time.